Foundation of our company by August MARTIN.

First Product:
Busks for corsets (front of bra).
Click on the date
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006


Bra Invention by the Cadolle Company.
The MARTIN Company then develop a range of functional components (Adjusters, Underwires, Garter grips...) dedicated to bra manufacturing.
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006


Mr. Robert Martin gather 100 % of the company’s capital, which had been split over the years.
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006

1990 to 2006

Christian Martin impulsed a constant development and a strong growth of the company in lingerie and swimwear.
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006

2001 to 2006

Opening of production plants in Spain, Tunisia and Thailand.
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006


Olivier and Jérôme Martin (5th generation) continue the adventure and succeed to Christian Martin.
They position Art Martin on new markets.
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006


From the start and for again many years: Art Martin encourages your innovation, imagines and creates by your side the products of tomorrow...
1990 to 2006
2001 to 2006
Our Values:

  • Innovation

  • Team Spirit

  • Integrity & Solidarity

  • Client satisfaction

################ START :: OUR HISTORY ::  ################
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################ START :: 1856 ################
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################ START :: 1889 ################
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################ START :: 1970 ################
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################ START :: 1990 TO 2006 ################
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################ START :: 2001 TO 2006 ################
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################ START :: 2006 ################
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################ START :: TOMORROW ################
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################ START :: OUR VALUES ::  ################
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